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After a rough start to the year, Mike gets a good shot on a NICE mature buck.

Oklahoma Bowhunter Stacey Bryant was feeling down on his luck after missing his shot on Saturday. Imagine his excitement when the massive 18 point buck opens himself up for another shot 4 days later.

After tagging out on bucks in Oklahoma, Mike grabs his Obsession bow and puts the hammer down on a Doe and Hogs.

Reflection, something I have got to do a lot of these last 6 weeks with Covid and Pneumonia. Going through something like this gives you the time to think about what's important and what really matters in life.

Michael and SOTV guest Elaine hunt early season Archery in Oklahoma. They are excited when a giant Oklahoma Typical steps out. Elaine takes the shot.
Michael Harrell
Michael Harrell is the Owner of the Surrender Outdoors brand and Host of SOTV. Michael is a Diehard hunter and outdoorsman. Michael started Surrender Outdoors in 2012 after feeling led by the Lord to share his story and message to others through his passion for the great outdoors!